Shuai Computational and Integrated Hydrology Group

A research group affiliated with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Utah Water Resources Laboratory at Utah State University


Welcome to the Shuai Computational and Integrated Hydrology (SCI-Hy) group, led by Pin Shuai, at Utah State University! We are passionate about exploring the complex and dynamic hydrological system using novel techniques. Our research endeavors are driven by a commitment to advancing scientific knowledge, fostering innovation, and addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Our research interests lie in the following areas: 1) understanding of the hydrological, biogeochemical processes occurring at the aquatic‐terrestrial interface under the impact of groundwater and surface water interactions; 2) quantifying the flow and transport of heat, nutrients and contaminants from bedrock to canopy top in a watershed, and feedbacks between hydrology, land use, and climate change; and 3) understanding the complex human-water interactions. We focus on answering the following questions: Where does groundwater come from? How does groundwater interact with surface water? What are the impacts of disturbances (e.g., drought and landcover change) on watershed hydro-biogeochemical processes.

We apply a model‐data integrative approach which combines field, laboratory, and remote sensing techniques with numerical models leveraging the power of high‐performance computing to improve understanding of hydrological processes. We are strong advocates for open source and reproducible scientific research. For current and past projects, see Projects page for more information.

We are always looking for passionate and talented group members. Visit Prospective Students page for more information.


Dec 10, 2024 PhD position in Computational Hydrology
Aug 28, 2024 Post-Doc position in Subsurface Hydrology
Aug 26, 2024 Welcome Collins Stephenson, a new MS student, to our group! :clap:
Jul 19, 2024 Jihad Othman has sucessfully defended his MS thesis! :congratulations:
Dec 17, 2023 New article led by Dr. Shuai was published in Hydrological Processes :congratulations:

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Selected Publications

  1. HP
    The Importance of Explicitly Representing the Streambed in Watershed Models
    Pin Shuai, Peishi Jiang, Ethan T. Coon , and 1 more author
    Hydrological Processes, 2023
  2. HESS
    The effects of spatial and temporal resolution of gridded meteorological forcing on watershed hydrological responses
    Pin Shuai, Xingyuan Chen, Utkarsh Mital , and 2 more authors
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, May 2022
  3. EMS
    Watershed Workflow: A toolset for parameterizing data-intensive, integrated hydrologic models
    Ethan T Coon, and Pin Shuai
    Environmental Modelling & Software, Nov 2022
  4. WRR
    Denitrification in the banks of fluctuating rivers: The effects of river stage amplitude, sediment hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity, and ambient groundwater flow
    Pin Shuai, M. Bayani Cardenas, Peter S. K. Knappett , and 2 more authors
    Water Resources Research, Nov 2017