Run Docker Images on Mac

install Docker

First download Docker Desktop for Mac from here. Install the package on your mac.

Download Docker image

Here we use ees16/tinerator as an example

docker pull ees16/tinerator

See all available images

docker images

View the content of the image

docker run -it ees16/tinerator sh

Lauch the image on Jupyter

docker run -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 ees16/tinerator:latest jupyter lab

Note to kill the processes which are using or listening to port 8888, do the following

lsof -i TCP:8888
kill <PID>

If the notebook does not open, try to paste one of the links (similar) to the browser (i.e., ).

http://(a65d926e15ba or

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