Groundwater Education Resources


The list compiles some of the most well known hydrogeology textbooks. Also see post/discussions here, here

  1. Groundwater, by Freeze and Cherry, 1979 free online here and here
  2. Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, by Jacob Bear, 1988
  3. Applied Hydrogeology (4th ed), by C .W. Fetter, 2000
  4. Contaminant Hydrogeology, by Fetter, Boving, and Kreamer, 2017
  5. Groundwater Hydrology (3rd ed), by Todd and Mays, 2004
  6. Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling (2nd ed), by Bennett and Zheng, 2002
  7. Groundwater Geochemistry (2nd Ed), by Broder Jr and Britta, 2005
  8. Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution (2nd Ed), by Appelo and Postma, 1993
  9. Hydrology: an introduction, by Wilfried Brutsaert, 2005

    Reactive transport books

  • Reactive Transport in Natural and Engineered Systems, by Druhan Mineralogical Society of America
  • Reactive Transport in Porous Media, by Peter Lichtner et al
  • Groundwater Reactive Transport Models, by Fan Zhang et al

Online resources

  • offers free textbooks, educational material
  • Online course–reactive transport in the subsurface by Li Li@PennState

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