Install ATS on NERSC

The instruction follows this ATS Installation Guide with a few changes for compilation on NERSC Cori environment. To get some background on compiling codes on NERSC, see this tutorial on NERSC website.


set architechture

The default is haswell. If using knl do the following:

module swap craype-haswell craype-mic-knl

Set programming env

  • GNU

The default environment on NERSC is PrgEnv-intel, and you need to switch to PrgEnv-gnu, which is applicable for most open-source codes.

module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
module load cmake
module load python/3.7-anaconda-2019.10

This is what it looks like using module list

Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) modules/
  2) altd/2.0
  3) darshan/3.1.7
  4) gcc/8.3.0
  5) craype-haswell # or craype-mic-knl
  6) craype-hugepages2M
  7) craype-network-aries
  8) craype/2.6.2
  9) cray-mpich/7.7.10
 10) cray-libsci/19.06.1
 11) udreg/2.3.2-
 12) ugni/
 13) pmi/5.0.14
 14) dmapp/7.1.1-
 15) gni-headers/
 16) xpmem/2.2.20-
 17) job/2.2.4-
 18) dvs/2.12_2.2.156-
 19) alps/6.6.58-
 20) rca/2.2.20-
 21) atp/2.1.3
 22) PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.5
 23) cmake/3.14.4
 24) python/3.7-anaconda-2019.10 # new
  • Intel
module load cmake/3.18.2
module swap  craype-hugepages2M craype-hugepages8M

# Module list

Set path

  • If is available, do

Put the following in the file. The OPENMPI_DIR is the same as MPICH_DIR from previous step.

# set static build, this may change in the future
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynmaic # as of 10/22/2020

# environment variables for compiling ats
export ATS_BASE=/global/project/projectdirs/m1800/pin/ats-master
export ATS_BUILD_TYPE=Release # OR Debug
export ATS_VERSION=master
export OPENMPI_DIR=$MPICH_DIR # automatically get from CRAY_MPICH_DIR

export AMANZI_TPLS_DIR=${ATS_BASE}/amanzi_tpls-install-${ATS_VERSION}-${ATS_BUILD_TYPE}

export AMANZI_SRC_DIR=${ATS_BASE}/repos/amanzi
export AMANZI_DIR=${ATS_BASE}/amanzi-install-${ATS_VERSION}-${ATS_BUILD_TYPE}

export ATS_SRC_DIR=${AMANZI_SRC_DIR}/src/physics/ats

export PATH=${ATS_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
export PATH=${AMANZI_TPLS_DIR}/bin:${PATH}
export PYTHONPATH=${ATS_SRC_DIR}/tools/utils:${PYTHONPATH}

Download and compile Amanzi

make base dir

mkdir -p ${ATS_BASE}
cd ${ATS_BASE}

clone Amanzi from Github

git clone -b master $AMANZI_SRC_DIR

# optional
git clone -b master $ATS_SRC_DIR

configure Amanzi TPLs, Amanzi, and ATS

  • First, you need to modify the $AMANZI_SRC_DIR/ script.
# change the following. Is this enough?
  • Then, edit the $AMANZI_SRC_DIR/ or run the following

# change the following flags and options
   ${dbg_option} \
   --with-mpi=${OPENMPI_DIR} \
   --enable-shared \
   --disable-clm \ #changed
   --disable-structured  --enable-unstructured \
   --disable-stk_mesh --enable-mstk_mesh \
   --enable-hypre \
   --disable-silo \  # changed
   --disable-petsc \
   --disable-amanzi_physics \
   --enable-ats_physics \
   --disable-ats_dev \
   --disable-geochemistry \
   --amanzi-install-prefix=${AMANZI_DIR} \
   --amanzi-build-dir=${AMANZI_BUILD_DIR} \
   --tpl-install-prefix=${AMANZI_TPLS_DIR} \
   --tpl-build-dir=${AMANZI_TPLS_BUILD_DIR} \
   --tpl-download-dir=${ATS_BASE}/amanzi-tpls/Downloads \
   --tools-download-dir=${ATS_BASE}/amanzi-tpls/Downloads \
   --tools-build-dir=${ATS_BASE}/build \
   --tools-install-prefix=${ATS_BASE}/install \
   --with-cmake=`which cmake` \
   --with-ctest=`which ctest` \
   --branch_ats=${ATS_VERSION} \
   --parallel=8 \
   --arch=NERSC  # added!

run bootstrap


It will take 1~2 hr to complete.

Run testing problem

Download the example repo

mkdir testing
cd testing
git clone -b master

Run a test

  • then run the test problem
cd ats-demos/01_richards_steadystate
ats --xml_file=./richards_steadystate.xml &> out.log

# on NERSC
salloc -N 1 -C haswell -q interactive -t 00:30:00 -L SCRATCH
srun -n 1 ats --xml_file=./richards_steadystate.xml 

It should take less than a second to finish!

Running ATS on NERSC

  • (optional) if using ATS from IDEAS/Exasheds repo
export IDEAS_HOME=/project/projectdirs/m2398/ideas
source ${IDEAS_HOME}/tools/init/ideas.bashrc

# do one of the following to load ATS exe.
module load ATS/dev-transpiration/basic/Release/PrgEnv-gnu-6.0.5

# or 
# module purge
module use -a /global/project/projectdirs/m3421/ats-new/modulefiles
#module load ats/master/cori-haswell/intel-6.0.5-mpich-7.7.10/opt
module load ats/ecoon-land_cover/cori-haswell/intel-6.0.5-mpich-7.7.10/opt
  • first request some interactive node
salloc -N 1 -C haswell -q interactive -t 00:30:00 -L SCRATCH
  • make sure meshconvert and ats is within your PATH
~ $ which meshconvert
~ $ which ats
  • partion mesh.
srun -n 128 meshconvert --partition-method=2 ../CoalCreek_mesh-100m-frac1pct-landcover.exo ./CoalCreek_final_mesh.par
  • launch job
srun -n 32 ats --xml_file=./spinup-soil.xml 

Update ATS

$ cd $ATS_SRC_DIR # this should be under /amanzi/src/physics/ats
$ git pull
$ git pull
$ make -j8 install

Compile ATS on Lawrencium (LBNL)

  • set environment
# get modules and library
export MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:/global/home/groups-sw/pc_ideas/modules 
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/global/home/groups-sw/pc_ideas/sources/lapack-3.9.0-gcc-9.2/build-shared/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/global/home/groups-sw/pc_ideas/sources/lapack-3.9.0-gcc-9.2/build-static/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/global/home/groups-sw/pc_ideas/software/gcc-9.2.0-modules/lapack/3.5.0/lib64
export PATH=$PATH:/global/home/groups-sw/pc_ideas/software/gcc-9.2.0-modules/lapack/3.5.0/lib
# setup ats install env
export ATS_BASE=/global/home/users/pshuai/ats_master
export ATS_BUILD_TYPE=Release # OR Debug
export ATS_VERSION=master
export OPENMPI_DIR=/global/software/sl-7.x86_64/modules/gcc/9.2.0/openmpi/4.0.1-gcc # do not include ./bin

# load modules
module load gcc/9.2.0
module load openmpi/4.0.1-gcc
module load gcc-9.2.0/lapack/3.9.0
module load cmake/3.15.0
  • the rest of the steps are the same as installation on Cori. No need to change

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