Install PVGeo
The installation follows official documentation and post
install conda env
conda create -n pvgeoenv python=2.7
install PVGeo
source activate pvgeoen
pvgeoenv $ pip install imageio==2.6.1 # need this to be compatible with PVGeo
pvgeoenv $ pip install PVGeo
# check if succussfully installed
pvgeoenv $ python -c "import PVGeo; print('success')"
linking PVGeo with Paraview
pvgeoenv $ python -m PVGeo install echo
# this will print a bash command and paths for PV_PLUGIN_PATH and PYTHONPATH
#We are assuming you are on Mac OS:
#Copy paste the following line(s) to execute in your bash terminal:
curl -s | sh -s /opt/anaconda3/envs/pvgeoenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
load plugin
- open Paraview (
or higher) - select
Tools --> Manage plugins--> Load New...
- browse to
, and
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