Install ATS on CHPC

This provides guidance on how to install ATS on UoU CHPC system. It mostly follows post Install ATS on Linux with a few modifications.

Load modules

  • Load compilers and cmake?
    module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi/4.1.4 cmake/3.26.0
  • check if cmake exists
    which cmake
  • Get OPENMPI_DIR. The root directory can be found by the following command. Do not include bin/mpicc
# get the root directory of mpi
which mpicc 

# e.g.


The steps follow Install ATS on Linux.


Creating a module file is useful for managing different versions of ats on HPC. The instructions follow this post

  • Create a fmodulefile
$ mkdir -p ATS_ROOT/modulefiles
# It is recommended to create different modulefiles for different compilers, arch, and ats versions
# e.g.,
$ mkdir -p ATS_ROOT/modulefiles/ats/tpls-0.98.6+amanzi-ats-master/chpc-notchpeak/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi-4.1.4

# create a textfile (can be any names. e.g., ats_v1.5)
$ vi v1.5-dev_e8cad556
# inside the file, put the following environment information. Make sure the file starts with `#%Module`
  • Modulefile template
## modules modulefile
# provide a helper to describe the module
proc ModulesHelp { } {
    global mpi_bin

    puts stderr "\tATS ats/tpls-0.98.6+amanzi-ats-master/chpc-notchpeak/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi-4.1.4/opt repository, opt build"
    puts stderr ""

module-whatis   "ATS ats/tpls-0.98.6+amanzi-ats-master/chpc-notchpeak/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi-4.1.4/opt opt build"
# #############################################################################

## load modules during compilation
module load gcc/11.2.0
module load openmpi/4.1.4
module load cmake/3.26.0

## set environment variables
setenv MPI_DIR /uufs/

setenv AMANZI_TPLS_DIR /uufs/


## (IMPORTANT!) set PATH and PYTHONPATH so the system can find ats
prepend-path    PATH            /uufs/
prepend-path    PATH            /uufs/

prepend-path    PYTHONPATH      /uufs/
prepend-path    PYTHONPATH      /uufs/
prepend-path    PYTHONPATH      /uufs/
prepend-path    PYTHONPATH      /uufs/
  • Save the file. Put the following in .bash_profile or similar so the custom module is added when login. No slash after modulefiles!
module use -a /uufs/
  • Search for custom modules. The system will find all modules with name ‘ats’ in them.
module avail ats
# or
module spider ats

# load the one you want
module load ats/tpls-0.98.6+amanzi-ats-master/chpc-notchpeak/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi-4.1.4/v1.5-dev_e8cad556
  • Alternatively, enter ml ats, then hit TAB. It will list all available modules starting with ats
# load module
ml ats/tpls-0.98.6+amanzi-ats-master/chpc-notchpeak/gcc-11.2.0-openmpi-4.1.4/v1.5-dev_e8cad556

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