Install ATS on NERSC
Documentation on how to install ATS v1.0 on NERSC
Install Watershed Workflow
Documentation on how to install Watershed Workflow
A Git Tutorial
Tutorial on how to use Git
Groundwater Education Resources
A list of textbooks and resources for hydrogeology
Track Changes in LaTex
Tutorial on how to create a tracked-changes PDF in LaTex
Scripting Paraview
Tutorial on how to use scripts to batch process files in ParaView
Install Tinerator
Documentation on how to install Tinerator on Mac
Import GitHub Repo to GitLab
Documentation on how to import GitHub repos to GitLab
Running Jupyter Notebooks from Remote Servers
Documentation on how to run Jupyter Notebooks from remote servers through ssh
A workaround for Version Control Jupyter Notebooks
Documentation on how to use a workaround to version control juptyer notebooks