Integrated Hydrologic Modeling

ExaSheds: Advancing Watershed System Science using Machine Learning-Assisted Simulation


This image shows the location of Neversink Watershed within the Delaware River Basin.

ExaSheds is a DOE funded project that aims to advance watershed system science using machine learning-assisted simulation.

The USU team was awarded a subcontract to develop integrated watershed hydro-thermal models for the Upper Neversink Watershed within the Delaware River Basin using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator. The developed watershed models will provide training data for ML-assisted inverse modeling which will be performed by the PNNL team.

Funding Agency:

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

USU Team:

Pin Shuai, Utah State University (PI)



Total funding:


External Link


  • 10/01/2024: New publication out led by Dr. Alex Sun on the development of a deep neural operator learning approach for the parameter estimation in the Neversink Watershed (Sun et al., 2024).
  • 09/01/2024: New publication out led by Dr. Jiang on the development of a knowledge-informed deep learning technique for parameter estimation in the Neversink Watershed (Jiang et al., 2024).
  • 07/01/2023: New paper out led by Dr. Jiang on using knowledge-informed deep learning for hydrological model calibration in the Coal Creek Watershed in Colorado (Jiang et al., 2023).



  1. WRR
    Bridging Hydrological Ensemble Simulation and Learning Using Deep Neural Operators
    Alexander Y. Sun, Peishi Jiang, Pin Shuai , and 1 more author
    Water Resources Research, 2024
  2. JoH
    Optimizing Parameter Learning and Calibration in an Integrated Hydrological Model: Impact of Observation Length and Information
    Peishi Jiang, Pin Shuai, Alexander Y. Sun , and 1 more author
    Journal of Hydrology, Nov 2024


  1. HESS
    Knowledge-informed deep learning for hydrological model calibration: an application to Coal Creek Watershed in Colorado
    Peishi Jiang, Pin Shuai, Alexander Sun , and 2 more authors
    Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Jul 2023